Writer’s blockage…

posted in: Art, Writing | 0

So, before you all accuse me of slacking with the blog updates for the last month, I did in fact warn you that this would probably happen.

Firstly I spent a week away painting Penguins in Liverpool…

Go Penguins

And secondly I’ve spent the last 29 days attempting to write a 50,000 word novel…


And I’m afraid to say that unless I can somehow write another 17,000 words before midnight on Monday, I’ll have failed in my insane novel writing madness šŸ™ I know that 50,000 words in just 30 days is a lot and I know I couldn’t actually start mine until after the 7th Nov, because I’d been Penguin painting, but I am a little disappointed. I was after all, simply writing up my holiday journal of this year and I did have all the notes there and ready to expand on. So no excuse really šŸ™„

Despite Tuesday’s deadline, I will continue with the writing and I will get the journal/novel finished, as I am actually pretty close. So in the meantime I’ll leave you with a few Penguin pics to peruse over…