Mixed Media Art class – Via Zoom
Course description: During March & April Steph will be running 6 weekly mixed media art classes. All of these sessions will take place online via Zoom. All ages & abilities are welcome. Subject matter and art materials will vary throughout the course. Each week Steph will select a suitable photographic image to work from and she will try to vary these as much as possible. She’ll email everyone the image prior to each class, so that people can print this out or get it displayed onto another device if possible. Each week Steph will also share what art materials she’ll be working with during the class. Again these will vary. People can then either select the same art materials as Steph, or use something entirely different. It’s often really interesting when people work on the same subject matter in a variety of different mediums.
During each class Steph will discuss the chosen image with everyone and She’ll also run through exactly how she plans to tackle it. She’ll create her own artwork and she’ll describe her process during the class. People can then work on their own artwork while Steph is creating hers. She’ll answer any questions if anyone has any, she’ll constantly check up on everyone’s progress during the class and generally everyone has a rather relaxing few hours.
At the end of each class Steph usually post a link on her Facebook Page for people to post their finished artwork onto. It’s always nice to see how everyone has got along and it’s also a really nice way for people to share their thoughts on everyone’s artwork.
Week 1
Thurs 27th Feb
10.00 until 12.00
This will be a feathered session.
Week 2
Thurs 6th Mar
10.00 until 12.00
This will be a figurative challenge.
Week 3
Thurs 13th Mar
10.00 until 12.00
Week number three is usually my architectural session.
Week 4
Thurs 20th Mar
10.00 until 12.00am
Week number four will be a flowery still-life.
Week 5
Thurs 27th Mar
10.00 until 12.00am
Week five is always my portrait week.
Week 6
Thurs 3rd Apr
10.00 until 12.00am
Week number six features some Spanish tapas.
Location: This is an online art course and will be delivered via Zoom. The Zoom info & meeting link will be emailed prior to the course starting.
Dates & times:
- Week 1 – 27th Feb – 10.00 until 12.00pm
- Week 2 – 6th Mar – 10.00 until 12.00pm
- Week 3 – 13th Mar- 10.00 until 12.00pm
- Week 4 – 20th Mar – 10.00 until 12.00pm
- Week 5 – 27th Mar – 10.00 until 12.00pm
- Week 6 – 3rd Apr – 10.00 until 12.00pm
Cost: £8 per 2 hour session
Select how many sessions you’d like to book onto and pay accordingly. Please contact me if you would like any further information regarding these classes.
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