As part of Derby City Council’s Art in Empty Shops scheme (I’ll give them a link, even though they don’t even mention me 🙄 ), I’ll be starting my 2 week stint at 67 The Wardwick, Derby tomorrow morning. I’ve spent the last week watching the road being dismantled & tip-toeing through hot tarmac. I’ve also had very angry phone calls to a rather shady picture framing company who’d ‘mislaid‘ my order for 24 frames 😡 Thankfully the frames did mysteriously appear a few days later than schedule and the workmen have laid a new pavement just in the nick of time. There may still be a few barriers & obstacles, but the exhibition is hung and I will be open from 10:00AM tomorrow.
I’ll be in the shop every day (bar Sundays) 10:00 – 17:00 (16:30 on Fridays). As well as exhibiting my recent collage work, I’ll be creating new work in the shop, which will add to the exhibition and I’ll be encouraging any visitors to try their hand at a bit of collage. People can either create a collage piece to take away, or add to a large group collage that I’m hoping to create on a wall in the shop. Or you can simply pop by to say hello 🙂