To boldly go…

posted in: Films, Lost, Media | 0

Went to see the new Star Trek film last night… And came away with mixed feelings…

Yep, it’s a really good film, it looks stunning and has been incredibly well cast (quite uncanny in places!!!), but something left me a little flat and it’s taken me a while to work out exactly what. I really, really enjoyed the first half/introduction to the film; it was great to see all the history behind the famous characters. We get to see Kirk’s birth and the tragic death of his father and we also get snippets of Spock’s childhood. There’s also a great section of the film showing how the young crew members all ended up on the Enterprise in the first place… Not being much of a Trekkie I’ve no real idea how much of this background history is genuine and how much is J. J. Abrams creation? Either way, this was by far the most enjoyable section of the film for me; it felt new and it felt a little special… From that point onwards the film seemed to settle down into what I can only describe as… typically Star Trek. Nice to look at yes, but to me it was just like watching any other Star Trek film. For many people I’m guessing this wouldn’t be a problem, in fact I’m sure they’d love it, but as I’ve already said, I’m not much of a Trekkie and never have been.

So in short, I’m really glad I’ve seen it (it is good), but I won’t be rushing out to see the next ones, which I’m sure Mr. Abrams has already started on, especially as the truly great Lost is finishing next year 🙁

I’d much rather see more of Lost than Star Trek, but that’s just me I guess…

Star Trek II

The Enterprise is mysteriously sucked towards a small jungle like planet and smashes onto the surface, leaving the surviving crew members stranded without any obvious means of escape or rescue…

Mmmm… On second thoughts 😉