Turkish Simit…

posted in: Food, Recipes | 1

Last night’s Eurovision party gave me the dubious choice between Belgium, Hungary or Turkey and seeing as Turkey was the only one to actually make it through to the final, Turkey it was 😯 Costume consisted mainly of a few ethnic stylee clothes found hiding in the back of my wardrobe and one ridiculous stick-on moustache (remind me to blog about the impracticalities of moustaches some day!!!) from the joke shop. Food and booze consisted of bottles of Turkish label altered San Miguel (Turkish booze isn’t really that readily available in our local Sainsburys!!!), a few dozen Turkish Delights and…


Turkish Simit

White bread flour – 3.5 cups

Water – 400 ml

Yeast – 2 teaspoons

Salt – 1.5 teaspoons

Molasses or Black treacle – 1.5  tablespoons

Water – 150 ml

Sesame seeds – 1.5 cups

Pop water (400 ml) into a bread-machine. In a bowl, mix the flour & salt and then tip into the machine. Make a small well in the centre of the mix and pour in the yeast. Set the machine to a dough setting and hit start. When the cycle has finished, tip the sticky dough onto a floured surface and knead well for about 5 mins. Cover the dough with a damp cloth and leave in a warm place until the dough has roughly doubled in size.

Mix the molasses/treacle with 150 ml of water in a large bowl & dissolve. Pour the sesame seeds into another large bowl.

Knead the risen dough for a few minutes and then divide into 24 pieces. Roll each piece into a long sausage shape and plait 2 pieces together. Make the plait into a ring and then dip first into the molasses/treacle and next into the sesame seeds, before placing on a baking tray. Bake the Simit for 20 ~ 25 minutes (Gas 6).

It was a fab party… My faith in Eurovision may have been restored 🙂