
posted in: Calvin & Hobbes, Family | 0

Admittedly we still have the stabilisers firmly bolted to Sawyer’s little bike, but the wee man is bombing around our village like Lance Armstrong at the moment. Thankfully he now knows where his breaks are and how to work them. And even more thankfully, he now does actually use his breaks 🙄 As fun as it may be to free-wheel down a pretty steep hill, there is a limit on how fast daddy’s legs will run 😯

Today’s little outing resulted in a dislodged chain on the way out and a dislodged pedal on the way back. Bicycle Repairman daddy came to the rescue and Sawyer was a happy cyclist once more. I’m thinking it won’t be too long before those precious stabilisers come off, and then the fun & games will really start!!!