Death… Never an easy one to get your head around. Inevitable, unexpected & the biggest unknown that awaits us all. Well as of yesterday morning, we’ve now been thrust into that strange limbo land that follows a close relative’s death. Hugely shocked, sad, numb, empty and faced with the seemingly endless mundane practicalities that have to be dealt with. Friends and family have to be told, a funeral has to be arranged, a house has to be emptied, a will needs looking at, and who knows what else? It’s all rather weird, to say the least…
I know mother-in-law jokes were once all the rage (and I’ve never really understood why?), well mine was actually rather lovely, and we’ll all miss her enormously. 88 years is a grand old age to reach, and to be honest I’ll be very happy to even get close to that. I’ll also be very grateful if I’m remembered half as fondly as Gwen will be. A lovely, lovely lady who never had a bad word for anyone, was never angry (not that I ever saw), and used to dry her wet cheese-grater by simply popping it into the oven. Absolute genius 🙂
Bye bye Gwen…