Mild lentil curry…

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I’ve often thought how much of a nightmare it would be to bring up a kid who was a really fussy eater (are you reading this Jake 🙄 ). Luckily for us, Sawyer pretty much eats anything we throw at him. He does occasionally throw a large amount of it back towards us when he’s in a mood, but that’s another story. Another bonus, as we eat so much of it, is Sawyer’s complete love of curry; he really can’t get enough of it. We can practically put anything into it and the little man will happily plough his way through it. Unless we hear these dreaded words and then we know it’s all over… ‘bit picey daddy.

So here’s a Sawyer friendly, non spicy recipe for a mild lentil curry that serves about 2 people. If you haven’t got any Ajwain then please hunt some down, as it has so many medicinal properties and is amazing to use…

Mild lentil curry

Carrots – 2 diced pretty small

Onion – 1 big one diced pretty small

Garlic – 1 cloves chopped

Green pepper – 1 finely chopped

Red lentils – 100 grams

Tomatoes – 2 chopped

Peas – 2 handfuls (frozen peas are fine)

Creamed coconut – About an inch thick block

Sultanas – 2 handfuls

Tumeric – 1 teaspoon

Ajwain – 2 teaspoons

Garam masala – 1 teaspoon

Chili powder – ¼ teaspoon

Water – About 300 ml

Natural yoghurt or Cr̩me Frąche Р2 teaspoons

Pop some olive oil into a deep pan and fry off the onions, carrots & garlic for about 5 mins. Then throw in the pepper, lentils, tomatoes, peas, ajwain, tumeric, garam masala & chili. Give it good old stir around to mix the spices and continue to cook for a few minutes. Season with salt and then add the coconut, sultanas and water. Bring this to the boil and leave it simmering away for about 10 – 15 mins until the lentils are cooked. You’ll need to keep giving it a little stir around as the coconut melts and you may need a little more water if the lentils drink it all?

Finally add the yogurt or Créme Fraîche to the curry, strap your hungry little child into his seat and you’re ready to serve with a little rice & naan bread…