Mouse hunt II (Judgement day)

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MouseThe rodents are back and we’re far from happy 😡 Mouse hunt number 1 was a long and painful experience, but after dispatching 11 of the squeaky little rodents in & around the fields of Westhouses & Tibshelf we thought we’d won. We actually had won for a while. We were mouse free for a good 4 months… Until a few weeks ago and we started to hear that tell tale scuttling sound. They were back!!! Now either the previous 11 have plotted their route back or we have an entirely new group marauding around our house. My guess is the latter; they look different (and I know how silly that sounds!!!) Either way, the mice are back and things are getting a little serious this time…

Last time we were caught largely unawares and until you’ve actually had mice you can never really appreciate how un-mouse friendly your house needs to be. If there’s food to be had, the mice will find it. And if the mice are finding food, they’ll not want to leave. We learnt the hard way, but our house is now as un-mouse friendly as it can possibly be with a 5 & 20 year old inside. Or so we thought… We’ve since discovered that mice rather like to eat soap, wax, picture backing, the underside of our sofa, laminate floor edging strips, dish cloths, flannels & bottle labels 😯 They had to go…

The homemade humane trap was hugely successful last year, so out it came. It was soon replaced for a bigger model. These new soap & wax eating mice were bigger than the last lot we’d had and they could easily jump out of homemade trap #1. A modification was called for. So homemade trap #2 consists of a large plastic garden bin, around 3 foot tall & with a lid. The bait is the same as before; a piece of chocolate placed at the end of a weighted cardboard tube. The tube is left overhanging our kitchen worktop overnight and pretty much every time we’ve found a mouse in the trap the following morning 😀 In just over a week we’ve caught 7. We’ve even caught a couple in the shop bought trap that failed so miserably the last time. As before, the mice are taken on a little walk & dispatched into the fields and as before, I’m getting a lot of strange looks from the people in the village who see me wandering off with a huge bin 🙄

The big question now is just how many have we got?

Watch this space…