Slightly following on from the previous post…One of the things that has always fascinated me (not sure that’s the exact word I’m looking for?) about having an online presence, is what exactly happens to the online you when the real life offline you is no more. A bit morbid I know, but it is quite an interesting situation. For example, if I suddenly did a Just Jack and stumbled head long into an oncoming taxi, then this blog would still live until well into 2010, when the domain would be up for renewal. Obviously it would remain a little unused, but to anyone who didn’t know what had happened, I’d still be there. People could still leave me comments and I find all this a little strange.
Recently I stumbled upon a plugin that someone has written, which will monitor your own blog usage and basically will detect whether you’ve popped your clogs or not. It will then send a pre-written email to your chosen next of kin, who will then presumably keep your blog active? I’ve not checked out this plugin fully (I’m kinda hoping that I won’t be needing it soon!!!), but it does all seem a little lame if you ask me. What if your chosen next of kin simply can’t be arsed? It’s just not good enough for me. When I do finally go, I want my blog to do a bit more than that.
I’ve really no idea of how to even begin to write a plugin for this site, but why can’t my site detect that I’m no more, in much the same way as the other one does and then go into Emergency Programme One mode, just like this…
I could have a pre-set new hologram theme that would be activated and a whole pre-written database of blog posts that could be posted at random or pre-set dates, just to give the illusion that I’m still active…
- Thanks for the funeral, but I expected a bigger turnout…
- I knew the fish was a bad idea…
- It’s all a bit cloudy up here…
- I saw Elvis today…
- JFK the truth revealed at last…
You get the general idea I’m sure 😎 I’ll bet there are even some techy boffins out there capable of writing something that could even detect when comments have been left on this blog and then intelligently select an appropriate reply. Now that would truly keep the online me alive & kicking. I could even allocate a chunk of money and set my domain & hosting payments to automatically renew. I could go on for ever 😯
I think I’ve been without Doctor Who for too long now!!!