Spain 1999…

posted in: Art, Sketches, Travel | 0

For years now the one thing that you could absolutely guarantee would be in my possession whenever I’d go anywhere, would be my sketchbook. For over ten years now the small pad would be rattling about in the bottom of my bag and I’d get it out whenever I had a ‘sketching’ opportunity (which is sadly not that often!!!) I’m actually on sketchbook No3 now as my dog bit a chunk out of No1 (I’m still amazed my crazed hound lived to tell the tale!!!) and I didn’t really like the size of No2!!!

Before the books completely fall to pieces I thought it would be a good idea to do something with them, so I’ve decided to start getting my pen & ink picks online. And who knows, it might even shame me into getting the little book out more often…

So starting at the beginning…

Spain 1999

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