More collages & dabbles in portraiture…

posted in: Art, Collage, Sketches | 2

I’m not sure if all artists do this or not? But every once in a while I need a new challenge or new direction for my artwork. Collage has been flavour of the month for me for a few years now and recently I’ve started to get itchy feet. I need to move on. A part of me would really like to get back into sculpture; it played a huge part of my fine art degree & I’ve only really dabbled with sculpture since I left University. I will return to the sculpture at some point, but for now something else is pulling at my creative heart-strings a little harder than the sculpture. It’s something I did an awful lot of before I went to University and it’s something I’ve done very little of since leaving…


I love doing portraits. Always have and it’s criminal that I haven’t done any for so long. Whether it’s simple sketching, chalk or pastel drawing, traditional oil painting or even a combination of all three, I’ve done so many portraits over the years¹ and I really felt it was time to revisit the world of portraiture. I made a few tentative enquiries on Twitter & Facebook for any willing models/sitters/Guinee-pigs & a few people have agreed, so at least I do have a few people to get to work on. Failing that it’ll have to be the trusty self-portrait that I’ll fall back on 😎

I am pretty determined to pursue this move back into portraiture & I’ll always be on the look out for willing models, so if your think your precious ego can handle it, just get in contact 🙂

And finally… After waving goodbye to the collages for a while, what did I find myself doing this week?

Bordeaux (2011) – Collage on card 21 x 21cm

Morganza (2011) – Collage on card 21 x 21cm

Ok… Maybe I’ll do the portraits and the collages for a while then!!!


¹ – Almost all of my portrait work was done in a pre-digital camera age (how old does that make me feel!!!), but hopefully I should be able to get a lot of this work online soon.