Tequila cheesecake

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In an effort to hopefully use up some of the absolute mountain of tequila in our house (it seems to be a very popular birthday present for me, which I’m naturally not complaining about 😀 ), I set about cobbling one of these together…

tequila cheesecakeTequila cheesecake with kiwi

Biscuits – 200g (Digestives or ginger crushed)

Butter – 70g melted

Cream cheese – 1kg

Caster Sugar – 200g

Eggs – 4

Sour cream – 150ml

Plain flour – 1 tablespoon

Lime – 1 zest & juice

Kiwi – 3 peeled

Tequila – 50ml

Cointreau – 25ml

Pop oven onto Gas 4 and grease a deep 24cm round tin (one of those where the bottom comes out). Melt butter in a pan and add the crushed biscuits & half of the lime zest; mix thoroughly. Press the biscuit base into your tin and up the sides. Chill for at least an hour.

Put cream cheese and sugar (150g) into a large bowl or mixer and beat thoroughly.  Add eggs one at a time, mixing as you do so. Finally add the rest of the lime zest, lime juice, tequila (25ml) & cointreau. Pour the mixture onto the biscuit base and bake in the oven for 15 mins. After that, turn the oven down to Gas 2 and cook for a further 45 mins.

In a bowl mix the sour cream and remaining sugar until smooth and carefully spoon this over the baked cheesecake. Pop it back into the oven and cook for a further 15 mins. Leave the cheesecake in the oven to completely chill before popping it in the fridge (I’ve no idea why, but everyone seems to recommend this!!!).

Pop the peeled kiwis into a blender and whizz until smooth. Sieve the kiwi pulp into a bowl to remove any lumps and then add the remaining tequila… You can then either add this kiwi loveliness to the top of the cheesecake, on the plate next to the cheesecake or squirt poncy patterns with it if you’ve got one of those poncy squirty things 🙂

And as 50ml of tequila doesn’t really make much of a hole into a mountain, I suggest serving the cheesecake with copious amounts of lethal Margaritas 😯