After a valiant, but ultimately doomed attempt at writing a 50,000 word novel in 30 days last November, I have now finally finished my book. I actually finished it some time ago, but due to the insanity of trying to write it so damn quickly (not to mention my appalling grammar) the thing was literally riddled with mistakes. And 60,000 words takes quite a time to edit. It’s also debatable whether a glorified holiday journal can be classed as a novel (I’m guessing not), but I really don’t care. I very much doubt that I’ll feature in this year’s Booker Prize shortlist, but it is a very entertaining holiday journal/novel and it’s well worth a read. With over 100 photographs the journal/novel should also be quite nice to look at as well…
It’s not the first time I’ve had a bash at the old writing and this is usually the point when I stock up on boxes of ink cartridges & paper for my poor overused printer. I then spend ages trying to find the correct layout options in Word before waiting hours while the disgruntled printer does it’s stuff. With my printer now trembling in the corner of the room, then comes the painstaking task of folding and binding a 158 page journal/novel. A front & back cover is then printed off and attached and the journal/novel is complete… Simple 😯 Then if someone else wants one the whole process is repeated 😯 And this is largely why my printer truly hates me!!!
Well this year I’ve decided to give my poor printer a break. Instead I’m going to let & do all the work for me. So if anyone else fancies a copy of my oh so exciting journal/novel just use the links below. It’s available in paperback or download format… Just think of my poor exhausted printer.