So, after a rain sodden end to 2012, the new year sees the arrival of the white stuff. Love it or hate it, the snow & freezing temperatures certainly make for a stunningly beautiful Derbyshire landscape at the moment. I’d take snow over mud any day of the year. Now I know I’m a sucker for taking photographs at the best of times, especially with this photo-a-day challenge, but at the moment it’s crazy. My phone is literally full of random ‘winter wonderland’ pics. Even the overgrown hedge in our front garden looks beautiful 😯 There’s something quite magical about the snow. It’s exciting and fun (lots will disagree I know). It can bring out the inner child in a ‘grown-up’, and mine has never been that reluctant to come out to play 😉 Yes it’s disruptive, but I can cope with that (just!!!). Getting a call explaining that Sawyer’s school was closing, and could I collect him pronto wasn’t ideal, but we did both have fun on the walk home. The following morning, with school now back open, all four car doors we’re frozen solid. Temperatures had plunged to -8 in the night and the car couldn’t cope with that. Nothing I did could free the frozen doors, so Sawyer & I took a very speedy walk/slide to school!!! Back home and I had to revert to blow-drying the car with the wife’s hair-dryer, so yes, this wintery weather does have a few minor ‘drawbacks’, but it just makes life a little more interesting and unpredictable… And with the forecast for another downpour of the white stuff this weekend. Let the fun begin 🙂