How not to move house, an update…

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So, the day after the debacle of our planned house move and we’re both feeling pretty numb. I returned our van this morning & explained what had happened. They decided not to charge me for the 8 miles worth of diesel I’d used. After a night spent sleeping on the floor we then set about trying to find some fresh clothes, toiletries & food. It all felt a wee bit like camping, but in a house!!! I then decided to send a text to our vendors, just to see if they could shed any light as to what the f@#k happened yesterday. Luckily we had their number, as when we viewed the house last November the whole country was knee deep in snow, so we’d been given their contact details just in case we couldn’t make the viewing. I send my polite little text & got a call straight back. The conversation was enlightening to say the least…

The basic problem was with our vendor’s solicitors. Our vendors were as angry with them as we were & had a whole list of complaints ready to send. The real surprising news was hearing that our vendors had actually managed to move out of our house late yesterday afternoon 😯 Just like us, our vendors had spent most of yesterday with their entire belongings packed into a van, waiting for their solicitors do their job. They didn’t do their job and as the day wore on our vendors got increasingly stressed & angry (much as we did). At some point however, our vendors were given the green light to move into their new house, on the same legal loophole that had been promised to us. And this meant that while we sat around with our full van & cars, waiting for the phone to ring, our new house was in fact empty 😯 Our vendor’s solicitors then shunned all phone calls & messages from our solicitors, before closing & going home for the weekend, safe in the knowledge that we’d been completely shafted!!! The vendors felt awful as they knew that we were waiting to move in. In fact they feel so bad & so guilty about their truly shite solicitors, that they’re willing to drive into Derby to personally give us the keys to our house!!!

We’re already looking into how to best proceed with the complaints & compensation claims, but at least our new house in the country is inching a little nearer. Just need to get another van now. Oh, and re-pack it… And un-pack it, again!!!