What does broccoli taste like?

For the last 4 years Sawyer has quite happily accepted pretty much everything that his new world has thrown towards him. Well maybe not always happily, but accept it he has. A few weeks ago Sawyer turned 4 and something has very definitely clicked in the little man’s brain. Simply watching the world fly by is no longer sufficient. Sawyer now wants to know why? Why? And why? I did know that this moment was coming, but boy I wasn’t prepared for just how bleeding exhausting it is 😯

Here’s a very tiny snippet of mine & Sawyer’s day yesterday…

Daaaad, what does broccoli taste like?

Erm, broccoli…


Look at the massive worm dad,‘ just as the Millenium Falcon blasted clear of the asteroid-field.


Daaaad, how big is that worm?

Erm, massive…

But what’s it big like?


What’s the worm big like daaad?

Erm, big like a house?‘ which seemed to do the trick.




Why is that cone orange?‘ As we drove past a line of traffic cones.

Because that’s what colour they are…

But why are they orange?

Because they just are…



Yes Sawyer…

When are we going to our new different house?‘ (As opposed to the new ‘rented’ house we’re currently in!!!)

I don’t know Sawyer…


It’s a bit complicated Sawyer…


There’re some people still living in our new house…

Oh… ‘ This info was then sent whizzing through the little man’s brain, before… ‘So when the mummy & daddy say we can come in, can we go to our new house?’

‘Erm, yeah I suppose so…‘ I just wish it was that simple!!!




What does the sunset mean?

It means it’s nearly night-time…

But where does the sun go?

Erm… Well it comes up in the morning, it travels through the sky, then it, then it…Well then it…  Hey Sawyer, do you fancy watching Star Wars again when we get home?


I’d kinda had enough by then!!!

It is of course very nice to be seen of as this vast font of all knowledge (which of course I am 🙂 ), but it can get hugely exhausting at times. Sawyer wants to know how the world works & I have to tell him… And he believes everything I tell him, which has it’s obvious drawbacks. Sawyer helped to make a shepherd’s pie the other day. At the table he explained to us all how he’d mashed the potatoes, but he wanted to know what the ‘brown stuff‘ was…

Well Sawyer, the potato is the pie bit & the brown stuff is the shepherd. That’s why it’s called shepherd’s pie. It has shepherds in it,‘ I proudly announced.

Sawyer it’s not shepherd. Daddy’s just being silly,‘ a far too grown up Jake explained.

It is shepherd isn’t it dad.


It’s a frighteningly powerful position to be in. It took Jake years to accept anything I ever told him and even now I don’t think he’s 100% convinced 😎