500 Days of Summer – A mini review

posted in: Films, Media | 0

500 Days of Summer (2009)

One of the dangers of adding films to your LoveFilm list when drunk, is that once in a while you’ll get sent a complete curve-ball. Our latest offering arrived last week and neither of us had any recollection of adding this film. In fact neither of us had even heard of the film before!!! A quick check on Google to see who the main actors were in this ‘offbeat romantic comedy‘ and we were still in the dark 😯 Well after putting it off for a few days we finally decided to give 500 Days of Summer a try…

Guy falls for a girl called Summer & they have a 500 day up & down relationship. Guy listens to the Smiths (which is by far the best part of this film), girl is a little strange, the 500 day story is told in a completely random order and the ending is quite possibly the most cheesey endings I’ve ever seen 🙄

A sober look at our LoveFilm list is most definitely needed after this one…

[s3r star=1/5]